The Pixel
What if we could start again? each cell thoughtfully choosing a side - a break from color to color x arrangement. I wish I knew more, but I fantasize The Game of Life and Stephen Wolfram’s programs multiplied on a granular level. As a photographer, i wonder just how much of a difference it would make in a photograph. If each pixel, decided to go left, right, up or down. If it considered where it was. And considering the combinations, a truly unique identification. The arrangement may also be used to assemble a unique symbol.
Imagine watermarks engrained in the arrangement of the pixels themselves. Imagine the accuracy of graphs, of each line, now that each pixel has more than 2 directions to run to. A shape more relevant to light waves than a line. Changing the digital medium.
Take a moment to imagine that it were true. Every pixel, thoughtfully considering the one next to it. The visual change of changing microscopic pixels different directions on a whim. A choreographed change in arrangement or one artificially generated.
Phone Lock / Encryption
Compare to again, a 3x3 grid of squares and imagine entering a password with a similar gesture. Which is more secure?
In the interest of taking on the tech giants, I imagine a password entry system in which passwords can be entered on a specially designed keyboard. This keyboard encrypts the pattern to a high security password. I imagine it could be in such a way that the same pattern can unlock multiple accounts, with each account having a unique way of translating the password.
I’d like to think this also works in reverse. I have no formal training here, this is purely speculation. But I’d like to argue that you can also store more information with this shape. If two people were communicated using the 3x3 grid of squares, versus two people communicating using the 24 point variation. The two people communicating with the 24 point variation could communicate much more intensely than the one with the squares. This is with the same number of tiles. It is a way of organizing information in less physical space.
A phone, encrypted, pixelated, and stored by a new shape.